Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth

No. 17 of 156 in the Target novelisations series
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By:Terrance Dicks
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Editions:  UK (1st hardback) | UK (1st paperback) | UK (2nd hardback) | UK (2nd paperback) | Germany (paperback) | France (paperback) | Germany (2nd paperback) | UK (3rd paperback)
Description:  Novelisation of the 1964 Doctor Who TV story The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Also available as an audio reading.

Cover image for Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth
Edition: UK (1st hardback)
Released:  March 1977
Publisher:  Allan Wingate
Format: hardback
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Cover blurb:
No blurb on back cover. The inner cover flaps read as follows:

The TARDIS lands in a London of future times — a city of fear, devastation and holocaust... a city now ruled by the DALEKS.

The Doctor and his companions meet a team of underground resistance workers among the few survivors, but after an unsuccessful attack on the Dalek spaceship, they are all forced to flee the capital.

A perilous journey through England finally brings them to the secret centre of Dalek operations... and the mysterious reason for the Dalek invasion of Earth!

Terrance Dicks was born in 1935 and educated at East Ham Grammar School and Downing College, Cambridge.

After a spell in advertising the author became a full-time scriptwriter, first for radio, then television where for five years he was Script Editor of the ‘Doctor Who’ series. He is now a free-lance author and writes many of the highly successful ‘Doctor Who’ books, as well as an adventure series for boys and girls about the Canadian Mounted Police Force.

Terrance Dicks lives in Hampstead, London, is married and has three children. He is an obsessive reader and likes ‘messing about in boats’.

Cover image for Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth
Edition: UK (1st paperback)
Released:  March 1977
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
The TARDIS lands in a London of future times — a city of fear, devastation and holocaust... a city now ruled by DALEKS.

The Doctor and his companions meet a team of underground resistance workers, among the few survivors, but after an unsuccessful attack on the Dalek spaceship, they are all forced to flee the capital.

A perilous journey through England finally brings them to the secret centre of Dalek operations... and the mysterious reason for the Dalek invasion of Earth!

Cover image for Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth
Edition: UK (2nd hardback)
Released:  January 1978
Publisher:  WH Allen
Format: hardback
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Cover blurb:
No blurb on back cover. The inner cover flaps read as follows:

The Tardis lands in a London of future times — a city of fear, devastation and holocaust... a city now ruled by the Daleks.

The Doctor and his companions meet a team of underground resistance workers among the few survivors, but after an unsuccessful attack on the Dalek spaceship, they are all forced to flee the capital.

A perilous journey through England finally brings them to the secret centre of Dalek operations... and the mysterious reason for the Dalek invasion of Earth!

Terrance Dicks was born in 1935 and educated at East Ham Grammar School and Downing College, Cambridge.

After a spell in advertising the author became a full-time scriptwriter, first for radio, then television where for five years he was Script Editor of the ‘Doctor Who’ series. He is now a free-lance author and writes many of the highly successful ‘Doctor Who’ books.

Terrance Dicks lives in Hampstead, London, is married and has three children.

Cover image for Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth
Edition: UK (2nd paperback)
Released:  August 1978
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Note:  Same ISBN as the original paperback edition — the main change is that the logo has been changed to blue and the topmost part of the artwork cropped.

Cover blurb:
Same as original paperback edition.

Cover image for Dr. Who: Kampf um die Erde
Edition: Germany (paperback)
Title:  Dr. Who: Kampf um die Erde
Released:  January 1981
Publisher:  Schneider-Buch
Format: paperback
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Used:  24,71 €
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Note:  The German title translates as “Struggle for the Earth”. This uses a separate German translation than the 1989 German edition. In total, 6 TV novelisations were translated into German — the others were An Unearthly Child, The Daleks, Planet of the Daleks, Death to the Daleks and Destiny of the Daleks.

Cover blurb:
London im Jahr 2080 — eine Stätte der Zerstörung und des Grauens, denn die Daleks haben die Erde erobert. Dr. Who und seine Gefährten verbünden sich mit einer Gruppe von Widerstandskämpfern und beginnen den scheinbar aussichtslosen Kampf gegen die Übermacht der seelenlosen Daleks.

Das Besondere an diesem Buch: Auch dieser Dr.-Who-Band basiert auf der Fernseh-Serie, die seit 1963 Woche für Woche mit großem Erfolg bei jugendlichen Zuschauern im britischen Fernsehen läuft.

Cover image for Docteur Who: Les Daleks Envahissent la Terre
Edition: France (paperback)
Title:  Docteur Who: Les Daleks Envahissent la Terre
Released:  May 1987
Publisher:  Éditions Garancière
Format: paperback
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Used:  1,81 €
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Note:  One of 8 French novelisations, all published in 1987 — the others were: An Unearthly Child, The Daleks, The Crusaders, The Masque of Mandragora, The Brain of Morbius, The Abominable Snowmen and Meglos.

Cover blurb:
Un milliard d’admirateurs à travers le monde!

Seigneur du Temps, héros de l’Éternité, le Docteur Who connaît aujourd’hui une fantastique popularité. Le succès inégalé de la série télévisée qui lui a donné naissance, la fascination qu’il exerce sur un immense public à travers plus de cent pays contribuent à faire de ce personnage un véritable mythe pour la premiere fois révélé en France.

En pleine guerre cosmique, le docteur Who, pour délivrer la Terre du joug des Daleks, entrepend de découvrir la raison veritable de leur sinistre complot.

Cover image for Doctor Who und das Komplott der Daleks
Edition: Germany (2nd paperback)
Title:  Doctor Who und das Komplott der Daleks
Released:  September 1989
Publisher:  Goldmann
Format: paperback
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Used:  89,95 €
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Note:  The German title translates as “Conspiracy of the Daleks”. This uses a separate German translation than the 1981 German edition.

Cover blurb:
Die einzigartige britische Fernsehserie jetzt als Goldmann Taschenbuch!

Der phantastische Dr. Who mit seinem unmöglichen Raum-schiff auf Abenteuersuche im Weltall!

Die Tardis landet im London der Zukunft — einer Stätte des Grauens und der Verzweiflung. Denn die Stadt wird von den Daleks beherrscht!

Der Doktor und seine Gehährten schließen sich einer geheimen Widerstandsgruppe an, aber nach einem mißlungenen Angriff auf ein Dalek-Raumschiff müssen die Widerstandskampfer fliehen.

Auf ihrer lebensgefährlichen Flucht gelangen sie schließlich in das geheime Operationszentrum der Daleks — und dort erfahren sie auch den wahren Grund für das Komplott der Daleks!

Cover image for The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Edition: UK (3rd paperback)
Title:  The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Released:  August 1990
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Used:  £3.84
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Used:  $7.00
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Used:  $8.35
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Note:  Same ISBN as previous UK paperback edition.

Cover blurb:
The Daleks are back!

The TARDIS materializes in London — but Ian and Barbara have not returned home. The streets are deserted; buildings are crumbling.

But the city is not as empty as it seems. Robotized humans stalk the decaying streets, searching for the few beleaguered freedom fighters; and from their flying saucer in Trafalgar Square the Daleks plan the subjugation of the peoples of the world and the transformation of the planet into a giant spaceship.

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