Only Human @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Only Human

No. 5 of 66 in the BBC New Series Adventures novels series
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By:Gareth Roberts
Rating:   7.7  (79 votes)  Vote here
Review:  A book you will never forget.  Read more (13 in total)
Editions:  UK (hardback) | Finland (hardback) | UK (1st paperback) | UK (2nd paperback) | China (hardback)
Description:  Original Doctor Who novel featuring the Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack. Also available as an audio reading.

Cover image for Only Human
Edition: UK (hardback)
Released:  September 2005
Publisher:  BBC Books
Format: hardback
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New:  £21.11
Used:  £0.70
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New:  $10.21
Used:  $3.95
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Note:  A later reprint removed the image of Billie Piper from the cover, presumably due to use-of-likeness issues after Piper left the programme (the same happened for several other of the new series novels featuring Rose).

Cover blurb:
Somebody’s interfering with time. The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack arrive on modern-day Earth to find the culprit — and discover a Neanderthal Man, twenty-eight thousand years after his race became extinct. Only a trip back to the primeval dawn of humanity can solve the mystery.

Who are the mysterious humans from the distant future now living in that distant past? What hideous monsters are trying to escape from behind the Grey Door? Is Rose going to end up married to a caveman?

Caught between three very different types of human being — past, present and future — the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack must learn the truth behind the Osterberg experiment before the monstrous Hy-Bractors escape to change humanity’s history forever...

Featuring the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack as played by Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and John Barrowman in the hit series from BBC Television.

Cover image for Luolamies Lontoossa
Edition: Finland (hardback)
Title:  Luolamies Lontoossa
Released:  January 2006
Publisher:  WSOY
Format: hardback

Note:  Only one other new series novel was published in Finland: The Clockwise Man.

Cover blurb:
Miten ihmeessä aito neandertalinihminen on päässyt viettämään iltaansa lontoolaiseen diskoon? Kuinka karvainen sukulaisemme on matkustanut 28 000 vuotta ajassa eteenpäin — ja voiko hänet palauttaa takaisin?

Myös tohtori Who ja hänen matkakumppaninsa Rose kohtaavat yöelämän väriläiskän, joka johdattaa heidät oudon mysteerin jäljille. Poliisikojuksi naamioitu Tardis-aikakone kuljettaa heidät kohti kivikauteen asettunutta yhteisöä, jossa juonitaan järkyttävää hanketta muinaisihmisten päänmenoksi. Jokainen kivi on käännettävä, ennen kuin salaisuudet saadaan päivänvaloon...

Doctor Who on brittiläisen televisiohistorian rakastetuimpia sarjoja ja saapuu viimein myös Suomeen syksyllä 2006. Kulttimaineen saaneeseen scifi-sarjaan perustuvat Doctor Who -kirjat ovat itsenäisiä seikkailuja, joita ei tulla näkemään televisiossa.

Cover image for Only Human
Edition: UK (1st paperback)
Released:  April 2007
Publisher:  BBC Books
Format: paperback
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Used:  $2.80
Prices as of 27 Jul 01:24 GMT   More info

Note:  This edition was also simultaneously released in a box set containing paperback versions of the first 10 new series novels: The Doctor Who Collection (click to order from

Cover blurb:
Same as UK hardback edition.

Cover image for Only Human
Edition: UK (2nd paperback)
Released:  March 2013
Publisher:  BBC Books
Format: paperback
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New:  $16.49
Used:  $2.22
Prices as of 27 Jul 01:24 GMT   More info
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Note:  One of 11 50th Anniversary Collection reprints published simultaneously.

Cover blurb:
Reports of a time disturbance lead the Ninth Doctor to modern-day London, where he discovers a Neanderthal Man, twenty-eight thousand years after his race became extinct. A trip back to the dawn of humanity only deepens the mystery: who are these strange humans from the far future now living in the distant past? The Doctor must learn the truth about the Osterberg experiment before history is changed forever.

The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Collection.
Eleven classic adventures.
Eleven brilliant writers. One incredible Doctor.

Cover image for Only Human
Edition: China (hardback)
Released:  November 2017
Publisher:  New Star Press
Format: hardback

Cover blurb:
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