Death to the Daleks @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Death to the Daleks

No. 80 of 157 in the Target novelisation readings series
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Cover image for Death to the Daleks
Starring: Jon Culshaw & Nicholas Briggs
By:Terrance Dicks
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Released:  March 2016
Publisher:  BBC Audio
Format: 3 x CD
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Description:  Audio reading of Terrance Dicks’ 1978 novelisation.

Cover blurb:
Jon Culshaw reads this exciting classic novelisation of a Third Doctor TV adventure, with Dalek voices by Nicholas Briggs

“This range of classic Target audiobooks continues to go from strength to strength..." Doctor Who Magazine

A mysterious power loss strands the TARDIS on Exxilon, a sinister fog-shrouded alien planet. The Doctor meets the survivors of a beleaguered expedition from Earth, while Sarah finds a mysterious super-city and becomes a captive of the savage Exxilons.

Worst of all, the Doctor’s greatest enemies, the Daleks, arrive on a secret mission of their own.

The Doctor and Sarah must risk their lives time and again in a desperate attempt to foil the Daleks and save millions of humans from a horrific plague.

Jon Culshaw reads Terrance Dicks’s complete and unabridged novelisation of a 1974 TV serial by Terry Nation, first published by Target Books in 1978.

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