The Greatest Show in the Galaxy @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

No. 103 of 135 in the BBC classic series videos series
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Starring: Sylvester McCoy & Sophie Aldred
By:Stephen Wyatt
Rating:   6.7  (46 votes)  Vote here
Review:  7th doctor rules  Read more (7 in total)
Editions:  Australia Australia (VHS) | US US (VHS) | UK UK (VHS)

Cover image for The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Edition: Australia Australia (VHS)
Released:  September 1999
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL

Cover blurb:
The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Ace to the planet Segonax, the latest home of the famous Psychic Circus. But Ace finds the clowns a bit creepy and would much rather stay out in the sun, which may be just as well...

This is no ordinary circus and people come from planets far and wide to audition for the opportunity to take part. But there’s a darker side to the show — who are the three members of the audience upon whose whims the performers’ lives depend? And why is the Chief Clown driving a hearse and trying to capture the local youths?

The Doctor decides to investigate further and, while Ace tries to befriend some of the more terrified workers, he realises that the Psychic Circus is really a front for a far older, and deadlier, menace from his past. He and Ace must ward off killer bus conductors, werewolves, the walking dead, and some murderous robot clowns before they can hope to stop an evil from the very dawn of history...

Produced entirely on location, this macabre example of Doctor Who closed the series’ twenty-fifth anniversary season and was originally transmitted 14th December 1988 - 4th January 1989.

Cover image for The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Edition: US US (VHS)
Released:  November 1999
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS NTSC
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Used:  $9.00
Prices as of 6 Feb 13:16 GMT   More info
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Cover blurb:
A junk transmission from an advertising satellite challenges the Doctor and Ace to attend the psychic circus, the Greatest Show in the Galaxy, on the planet Segonax. On their way to see this circus, they encounter, among others, the famous and boastful intergalactic explorer, Captain Cook, with his protégé, Mags, who have come to compete in a talent contest. On their arrival, the Doctor and Ace find that not all is what it seems, and Ace might be right that clowns are a bit creepy. For in this circus it’s the audience that does the entertaining... and things spin quickly out of control.

Cover image for The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Edition: UK UK (VHS)
Released:  January 2000
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL
Order from currently available)

Cover blurb:
Same as Australian edition.

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