The Mind of Evil @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Mind of Evil

No. 94 of 135 in the BBC classic series videos series
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Starring: Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning, Nicholas Courtney & Richard Franklin
By:Don Houghton
Rating:   8.1  (82 votes)  Vote here
Review:  Ah, Dr Keller...  Read more (2 in total)
Editions:  UK UK (VHS) | US US (VHS) | Australia Australia (VHS)

Cover image for The Mind of Evil
Edition: UK UK (VHS)
Released:  May 1998
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 2 x VHS PAL
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Cover blurb:

Originally made in colour, this exciting six-part story now exists only in black and white. But as a special bonus, the only surviving colour footage from The Mind of Evil — approximately five minutes from episode six — is included on the end of this tape!

The Doctor and Jo are investigating a revolutionary new way of treating psychotic criminals at Stangmoor Prison — a machine invented by one Professor Keller that literally sucks the evil out of a man’s brain. But when the process is complete, what is left behind — a saint or a simpleton?

It transpires that Professor Keller is the Doctor’s arch-enemy, the Master. The machine actually houses a deadly mind parasite that the Master has taken to Earth for his own evil ends. He intends to use it to sabotage the global peace conference UNIT is policing, thus bringing Earth to the brink of war. And when he takes over the prison and hijacks a missile that could wipe out half of Europe, it seems the cards are stacked firmly in his favour.

Meanwhile, the mind parasite is growing stronger all the time, killing anyone in its path by making them experience that which they fear the most. Can the Doctor defeat both the Master and the parasite while preventing the world’s major powers from embarking on all-out nuclear war?

Originally transmitted 30th January - 6th March 1971.

Due to the archive nature of this material, the sound and picture quality may vary occasionally — please do not adjust your set.

Cover image for The Mind of Evil
Edition: US US (VHS)
Released:  January 1999
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 2 x VHS NTSC
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New: $24.98
Prices as of 11 Feb 06:07 GMT   More info
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Cover blurb:
A machine that drains evil from criminals’ minds is the secret weapon in a plan to destroy the Doctor and doom world peace. The Keller Machine is a rehabilitation tool that obliterates evil from the brain. The Doctor believes an alien mind parasite has taken over the device. But what is the connection between his suspicions, the death of a Chinese delegate to the World Peace Conference, and a mission to dump a banned nerve gas missile at sea? As the nefarious scheme unfolds, the hand of the Master becomes evident — even as his assumed identity underscores the power of an evil mind! Includes a bonus clip of the only surviving color footage of this historic 6-part adventure!

Cover image for The Mind of Evil
Edition: Australia Australia (VHS)
Released:  March 1999
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL

Note:  Single tape.

Cover blurb:
Same as UK edition.

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