Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Dead Men Diaries @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Dead Men Diaries

No. 1 of 16 in the Bernice Summerfield short stories series
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Cover image for Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Dead Men Diaries
By:Paul Cornell (ed.)
Rating:   6.4  (32 votes)  Vote here
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Released:  September 2000
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: paperback
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Used:  £114.71
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Cover blurb:
A short story collection edited by

Who but Professor Bernice Summerfield, interstellar archaeologist, raconteur, boozer and wit, would get other people to write her autobiography — albeit under threat of death from two bounty hunters sent by a publisher far too concerned about little things like deadlines?

These stories are an ideal introduction to the life of Bernice Summerfield: falling off cliffs, getting sacrificed to orange pygmies, saving the universe and trying to buy a new frock.

Cliffhanging escapes! Adventure on distant planets! Scones for tea!

The anthology includes new stories by SF author Kate Orman, Queer as Folk script-editor Matt Jones and Steven Moffat, the creator of Coupling alongside Mark Michalowski, Daniel O’Mahony, Eddie Robson, Cavan Scott & Mark Wright, Dave Stone, Kathryn Sullivan and Caroline Symcox.

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