The Silent Stars Go By @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Silent Stars Go By

No. 2 of 18 in the BBC prestige novels series
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By:Dan Abnett
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Editions:  UK (hardback) | UK (paperback) | Russia (hardback) | China (hardback) | Russia (paperback) | Germany (paperback)
Description:  Original Doctor Who novel featuring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory and the Ice Warriors. Also available as an audio reading.

Cover image for The Silent Stars Go By
Edition: UK (hardback)
Released:  September 2011
Publisher:  BBC Books
Format: hardback
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Cover blurb:
The winter festival is approaching for the hardy colony of Morphans, but no one is in the mood to celebrate. They’re trying to build a new life on a cold new world, but each year it gets harder and harder. It’s almost as if some dark force is working against them.

Then three mysterious travellers arrive out of the midwinter night. Are they bringing the gift of salvation, or doom? What else lurks out there in the dark? What else might be about to wake up?

The text from the inner cover flaps is as follows:

‘Things have to get worse before they can get better. Trouble is, I think they’re about to get a lot worse. As worse as worse can be. And then some.’

For centuries the Morphans have worked. With no help from other worlds, they subsist on the food they can grow and that’s little enough. But their purpose, their whole life is to maintain the machines that will one day make their world as habitable as old Earth.

Life used to be hard. Now as their crops fail, livestock sickens, and the temperature drops, it’s becoming impossible. This year’s winter festival won’t be the usual celebration. It’s not a time for optimism or hope — and it’s not a time to welcome unexpected guests. The Doctor, Amy and Rory find a society breaking apart under the strain. Tensions are mounting, old rivalries are coming to the fore, people are dying...

And then the Doctor’s old enemies the Ice Warriors make their move. With the cold-hearted threat of invasion, the real battle for survival begins. Or does it? The Doctor begins to suspect that behind everything lies a deadlier, and even more chilling danger...

A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television

Dan Abnett is a novelist and award-winning comic book writer. He has written over thirty-five novels, including the acclaimed Gaunt’s Ghosts series, and the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies. His Horus Heresy novel Prospero Burns was a New York Times bestseller, and topped the SF charts in the UK and the US. He lives and works in Maidstone, Kent.

Cover image for The Silent Stars Go By
Edition: UK (paperback)
Released:  March 2013
Publisher:  BBC Books
Format: paperback
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Note:  One of 11 50th Anniversary Collection reprints published simultaneously.

Cover blurb:
The winter festival is approaching for the hardy colony of Morphans, but no one is in the mood to celebrate. They’re trying to build a new life on a cold new world, but each year gets harder and harder. It’s almost as if some dark force is working against them. Then three mysterious travelers arrive out of the midwinter night, one of them claiming to be a doctor. Are they bringing the gift of salvation or doom? And what else might be lurking out there, about to wake up?

The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Collection.
Eleven classic adventures.
Eleven brilliant writers. One incredible Doctor.

Cover image for Доктор Кто. Безмолвных звезд движение
Edition: Russia (hardback)
Title:  Доктор Кто. Безмолвных звезд движение
Released:  January 2015
Publisher:  AST
Format: hardback

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Cover image for The Silent Stars Go By
Edition: China (hardback)
Released:  January 2018
Publisher:  New Star Press
Format: hardback

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Cover image for Доктор Кто. Безмолвных звезд движение
Edition: Russia (paperback)
Title:  Доктор Кто. Безмолвных звезд движение
Released:  May 2018
Publisher:  AST
Format: paperback

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Cover image for Und Stumme Sterne Ziehn Vorüber
Edition: Germany (paperback)
Title:  Und Stumme Sterne Ziehn Vorüber
Released:  October 2018
Publisher:  Bastei Lübbe
Format: paperback
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New: 4,50 €
Used:  2,89 €
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New: £21.51
Used:  £4.02
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Cover blurb:
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