Big Finish Talks Back: The John Nathan-Turner Memoirs @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Big Finish Talks Back: The John Nathan-Turner Memoirs

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Cover image for Big Finish Talks Back: The John Nathan-Turner Memoirs
Starring: John Nathan-Turner
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Released:  September 2004
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: 4 x CD
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Used:  £168.95
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Used:  $79.99
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Note:  Reissue of The JNT Memoirs Volume 1 and Volume 2 combined into a 4-CD set.

Cover blurb:
The behind-the-scenes stories by the longest-serving producer of Doctor Who

Between 1980 and 1989, John Nathan-Turner produced over 130 episodes of BBC TV’s award-winning science-fiction series Doctor Who, and was responsible for casting three of the actors who played the Doctor.

His long association with the programme began during Patrick Troughton’s era, continuing with Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, when he became Doctor Who’s ninth producer. Over these four CDs, John discusses frankly, and in depth, his many years’ involvement with a series of which he was enormously fond and proud.

This then, is his story. Packed with a multitude of anecdotes and memories, this special release offers a unique point-of-view of the sometimes difficult, frequently bizarre but always worthwhile business of entertaining the Doctor’s millions of loyal fans...

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