Starships and Spacestations @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Starships and Spacestations

No. 89 of 344 in the Miscellaneous factual books series
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Cover image for Starships and Spacestations
By:Justin Richards
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Released:  May 2008
Publisher:  BBC Books
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
The Doctor has his TARDIS to get him from place to place and time to time, but the rest of the Universe relies on more conventional transport... From the British Space Programme of the late twentieth century to Earth’s Empire in the far future, from the terrifying Dalek Fleet to deadly Cyber Ships, this book documents the many starships and spacestations that the Doctor and his companions have encountered on their travels. He has solved mysteries on spacestations and stopped invasions spearheaded by starships. He has been held prisoner inspace, escaped from the moon, witnessed the arrival of the Sycorax and the crash landing of a space pig. More than anyone else, the Doctor has seen the development of space travel between countless worlds. In this stunningly illustrated book, Doctor Who historian Justin Richards documents the amazing story of Earth’s ventures into space, examines the many alien fleets who have paid Earth a visit, and explores the other starships and spacestations that the Doctor has encountered on his many travels...

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