Harry Sullivan's War @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Harry Sullivan‘s War

No. 2 of 3 in the The Companions of Doctor Who novels series
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Cover image for Harry Sullivan's War
By:Ian Marter
Rating:   7.4  (10 votes)  Vote here
Review:  Disappointing  Read more (1 in total)
Released:  September 1986
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Used:  £36.68
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Used:  $16.62
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Used:  $47.98
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Description:  Original novel following the exploits of the Fourth Doctor’s travelling companion Harry Sullivan after his time in the TARDIS. Also available as an audio reading.

Cover blurb:
It is ten years since Harry Sullivan left UNIT and gave up his travels in the TARDIS with the Doctor and Sarah Jane.

Since then he has been engaged in top secret work, developing antidotes to nerve toxins. But when he is transfrerred to Yarra in the Hebrides to work on weapons research, he has severe misgivings. For one thing, it goes against much of what he believes in. For another, someone is out to kill Harry Sullivan.

Who wants Harry safely out of the way? What significance does a painting by Van Gogh have in the affair? And can Harry’s old friend, the Brigadier, really be involved in a scheme which threatens the security of the Western World?

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