Doctor Who and the Ribos Operation @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Doctor Who and the Ribos Operation

No. 52 of 156 in the Target novelisations series
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By:Ian Marter
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Editions:  UK (paperback) | UK (hardback)
Description:  Novelisation of the 1978 Doctor Who TV story The Ribos Operation — the first story in the Key To Time season. Also available as an audio reading.

Cover image for Doctor Who and the Ribos Operation
Edition: UK (paperback)
Released:  December 1979
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
Reluctantly cancelling his well-earned holiday, the Doctor sets off in the TARDIS to trace and re-assemble the six segments of the Key to Time on which the stability of the entire Universe depends.

Assisted by the argumentative Romanadvoratrelundar and K9, he lands on the planet Ribos in search of the first segment and finds himself entangled in the machinations of two sinister strangers, Garron and the Graff Vynda Ka.

Who are they? Is Garron simply a shady confidence-trickster dealing in interplanetary real estate? Is the Graff Vynda Ka just a power-crazed exile bent on revenge? Or are they both really agents of the Black Guardian, intent upon seizing the precious Key in order to throw the Universe into eternal chaos?

Risking his life within the monster-infested catacombs of Ribos, the Doctor has to use all his wit and ingenuity to find out...

Cover image for Doctor Who and the Ribos Operation
Edition: UK (hardback)
Released:  December 1979
Publisher:  WH Allen
Format: hardback
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Cover blurb:
No blurb on back cover. The inside front flap contains the same blurb as the paperback edition above. The inside rear flap contains the following author blurb:

Ian Marter was born in Coventry during the Blitz. He has been, among other things, a teacher and a milkman.

He became an actor after graduating from University, and has appeared in Repertory and West End productions and on television. He played Harry Sullivan in the BBC Television series ‘Doctor Who’.

Ian enjoys writing, travelling and swimming in the sea. He is married, with two sons, and lives in London.

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