The Well-Mannered War @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Well-Mannered War

No. 7 of 14 in the Big Finish novel adaptations series
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Cover image for The Well-Mannered War
Starring: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward & John Leeson
By:Gareth Roberts & John Dorney
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Review:  Very Graham Williams  Read more (1 in total)
Released:  April 2015
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: 2 x CD
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New:  £10.35
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New:  $13.77
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Note:  Audio adaptation of the 1997 Missing Adventures novel. Also available in a limited edition box set with Damaged Goods.

Cover blurb:
The edges of space, the far distant future, an era even the Time Lords are not supposed to visit. Laid claim to by disputing factions of humans and Chelonians, the planet Barclow has become the catalyst for an unusual war. In 200 years of hostilities not a shot has been fired, and the opposing combatants are the best of friends.

But when the Doctor, Romana and K9 arrive, they discover the peace is not going to last. Something dangerous is happening behind the scenes. An election looms. Bodies are piling up. Tensions are growing. Someone, somewhere is trying to make this well-mannered war very angry indeed. Only the time-travellers can save the day. But that might be their biggest mistake.

Based on the original 1997 Missing Adventures novel by Doctor Who writer Gareth Roberts.

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