Bernice Summerfield: Adorable Illusion @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Bernice Summerfield: Adorable Illusion

No. 13 of 13 in the Bernice Summerfield novels series
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Cover image for Bernice Summerfield: Adorable Illusion
By:Gary Russell
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Released:  March 2014
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: hardback
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Description:  Original novel featuring ex-Doctor Who companion Bernice Summerfield. Released as a tie-in to the audio box set Missing Persons.

Cover blurb:
Dear Peter,

Hope this finds you. Goodness only knows how. But these things have a way of working out. Sometimes.

Look, I’m on this huuuuge dreadnought ship with Jack. You don’t know Jack. But we’re on this ship. In space. With a hole in the middle. A hole being monitored by some scientists (who are creaming off cash from their employer)! The rest of the passengers are mostly squirrels and meerkats — and a bad-tempered jack-rabbit (no, let’s not ask).

The Captain is an artificial intelligence who thinks he’s a pirate, the doctor’s a vet and the cook is a Madras, (literally — the guy making our dinner is a living curry) — oh, and the talking parrot is dead. How do I get into these situations? (Don’t answer that!) Oh, and there are the monsters. Not sure where they fit into the grand scheme of things but they don’t seem to like the rest of us much. Quite why they call this ship The Adorable Illusion is, frankly, beyond me.

Anyway, assuming I survive, hope to see you soon.

Much love, Mum
Aka Professor Bernice Summerfield
Aka Prisoner 442

Whoops. Forgot to mention the “I’m here cos I murdered some people” bit...

Inside cover flaps read as follows:

When Bernice Summerfield was invited to participate in a cult archaeology broadcast on the mysterious world of Saravas, she could never have imagined the secrets she might unearth there... or the terrible Truth that would stalk her back to Legion.

With friends and family by her side, Bernice quickly finds herself flung into the face of danger: either combatting deranged despots at terraformed garden parties, appeasing gunslingers in the White Rabbit bar, or simply attempting to survive on a barren desert planet, all alone...

The odds are stacked against her, and this is undoubtedly the end for Bernice Summerfield... but she’s determined to go out fighting!

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