The Five Doctors @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Five Doctors

No. 81 of 156 in the Target novelisations series
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By:Terrance Dicks
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Review:  Doesn't Quite Work  Read more (1 in total)
Editions:  UK (1st paperback) | UK (hardback) | UK (2nd paperback)
Description:  Novelisation of Doctor Who’s 20th anniversary special, broadcast in 1983. Also available as an audio reading.

Cover image for The Five Doctors
Edition: UK (1st paperback)
Released:  November 1983
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Note:  The front cover says “first edition”. There were several reprints of this paperback edition between 1983 and 1986, all identical except that the front cover says “second edition” instead.

Cover blurb:
A twentieth anniversary special featuring the Doctor in all five of his regenerations.

Why are all five Doctors being removed from their separate time-streams? Who is the enemy they will have to unite against? What will become of the Doctors when the battle is over?

We have travelled a long way with Doctor Who. The Five Doctors gives us the chance to turn the clock back and meet some old friends — and some old enemies.

Cover image for The Five Doctors
Edition: UK (hardback)
Released:  November 1983
Publisher:  WH Allen
Format: hardback
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Cover blurb:
Same as previous paperback edition.

Cover image for The Five Doctors
Edition: UK (2nd paperback)
Released:  February 1991
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Used:  £1.00
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Used:  $2.19
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Used:  $11.00
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Note:  Same ISBN as previous paperback edition.

Cover blurb:
The player put the little figure of the first Doctor onto the board, pushing it towards the centre with a long rake. The first piece was on the board.

But this is not a game. One by one, the five Doctors are removed from their respective time-streams and dumped in the Death Zone on Gallifrey.

But who is manipulating them in this way? And why has the Master been sent to help them?

And what exactly is locked inside Rassilon’s tomb?

The Five Doctors was originally broadcast on 25th November 1983 to mark the twentieth anniversary of the series. It was written by Terrance Dicks who was script editor of the series for five years and who has written more than sixty novelisations of Doctor Who television stories.
Doctor Who — The Five Doctors is available on BBC video and has recently been broadcast on BSB television.

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