Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen

No. 66 of 156 in the Target novelisations series
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By:Gerry Davis
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Editions:  UK (1st paperback) | UK (hardback) | UK (2nd paperback)
Description:  Novelisation of the 1967 Doctor Who TV story The Tomb of the Cybermen. Also available as an audio reading.

Cover image for Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen
Edition: UK (1st paperback)
Released:  May 1978
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
The Cybermen — silver, indestructible monsters whose only goal is power — seem to have disappeared from their planet, Telos. When a party of archaeologists, joined by the Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria, land on the Cybermen’s barren, deserted planet, they uncover what appears to be their tomb.

But once inside it becomes clear that the Cybermen are not dead, and some in the group of archaeologists desperately want to re-activate these monsters! How can the Doctor defeat these ruthless, power-seeking humans and the Cybermen?

Cover image for Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen
Edition: UK (hardback)
Released:  May 1978
Publisher:  WH Allen
Format: hardback
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Cover blurb:
No blurb on back cover. The inside front flap contains the same blurb as the paperback edition. The inside rear flap contains the following author blurb:

Gerry Davis has engaged in almost every branch of show business, from English provincial repertory theatre to writing (and making) documentaries for the National Film Board of Canada.

During seven years at the B.B.C., he wrote and edited a variety of television drama shows, including ‘Doctor Who’, for which he and scientist Kit Pedler created the famous Cybermen.

The author now writes full-time and lists his hobbies as music, walking, sailing and tennis.

Cover image for The Tomb of the Cybermen
Edition: UK (2nd paperback)
Title:  The Tomb of the Cybermen
Released:  October 1992
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Used:  £13.21
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Used:  $5.69
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Used:  $24.07
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Note:  Same ISBN as previous paperback edition.

Cover blurb:
The Cyberman went on raising his gun, slowly, slowly...

The Cybermen — indestructible, unfeeling monsters whose only goal is power — have disappeared from the planet of Telos, and when a party of archaeologists, accompanied by the Doctor and his companions, land on the barren, deserted world, they discover what appears to be their tomb.

But once inside, it becomes clear to the party that the Cybermen are not dead, and some of the scientists are intent on re-activating the monsters. How can the Doctor prevent these ruthless humans from awakening the Cybermen?

The Tomb of the Cybermen was first broadcast in 1967 and was then thought to be lost forever until it was rediscovered in 1992 and released on video. Gerry Davis’s novelization is based on the original story he wrote with Kit Pedler.

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