Warriors' Gate @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Warriors‘ Gate

No. 113 of 157 in the Target novelisation readings series
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Cover image for Warriors' Gate
Starring: Jon Culshaw & John Leeson
By:Stephen Gallagher
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Released:  April 2019
Publisher:  BBC Audio
Format: 4 x CD
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Description:  Audiobook reading of Stephen Gallagher’s 1982 novelisation — although this is a newly-restored and expanded version prepared by the author to be more in line with his original draft of the novelisation (before it was rejected by the BBC as it deviated too far from the television script). This expanded version was later released in print in 2023 as Warriors’ Gate and Beyond.

Cover blurb:
Jon Culshaw reads this iconic novelisation of a Fourth Doctor TV adventure, newly restored and extended by the author

“Attention to detail is the hallmark of this always excellent range”
Doctor Who Magazine

The Doctor and his companions are trapped in E-Space, struggling to find their way back into their own universe. Arriving at an intersection, the TARDIS is invaded by a refugee of the enslaved Tharil race.

With K9 damaged by the Time Winds, the Doctor, Romana and Adric explore the strange white eternity of the Gateway, where past, present and future cross over.

They also meet the crew of the Privateer, led by the embattled Rorvik. As all parties strive to find a way out, the Doctor realises that Rorvik’s ship holds the terrible secret of the Tharils’ history, as well as the means of their liberation.

Jon Culshaw reads Stephen Gallagher’s novelisation (writing as John Lydecker) of his 1981 TV adventure starring Tom Baker as the Doctor, now newly extended and restored from an unpublished manuscript. John Leeson provides the authentic Voice of K9.

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