The Caves of Androzani @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Caves of Androzani

No. 109 of 157 in the Target novelisation readings series
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Cover image for The Caves of Androzani
Starring: Peter Davison
By:Terrance Dicks
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Released:  November 2018
Publisher:  BBC Audio
Format: 3 x CD
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Description:  Audio reading of Terrance Dicks’ 1984 novelisation.

Cover blurb:
Peter Davison reads this exciting novelisation of the Fifth Doctor’s explosive final TV adventure

“This range of classic Target audiobooks continues to go from strength to strength..."
Doctor Who Magazine

From the moment they land on the planet Androzani Minor, everything goes wrong for the Doctor and his new young companion, Peri.

They become involved in the struggle between brutal gun-runners, ruthless Federation troops, and the hideously mutilated Sharaz Jek, who lurks in the depths of the caves with his android army.

Key to the struggle is spectrox, the most valuable substance in the universe. Suitably processed, spectrox is an elixir of life, but in its raw state it is a deadly poison — a fact which will cost the Doctor another of his Time Lord lives...

Peter Davison, who portrayed the Fifth Doctor in the hit BBC TV programme, reads Terrance Dicks’s novelisation of the original serial by Robert Holmes, frequently named as one of the best adventures of the original Doctor Who series.

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