Just War @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Just War

No. 46 of 84 in the New Adventures novels series
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By:Lance Parkin
Rating:   8.1  (56 votes)  Vote here
Review:  Clunky, miserable.  Read more (2 in total)
Released:  January 1996
Publisher:  Virgin
Format: paperback
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Used:  £55.65
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Description:  Original Doctor Who novel featuring the Seventh Doctor and Ace. An abridged (Doctor-less) audio adaptation of this novel was released as part of the Bernice Summerfield audio range in 1999.

Cover blurb:
‘Tomorrow belongs to us, not you. If you were really from the future, Miss Summerfield, you would be a Nazi.’

March 1941: Britain’s darkest hour. The Nazis occupy British soil and British citizens are being deported to European concentration camps. Six thousand people a month are dying in air raids on London. The United States show no sign of entering the war.

According to the Doctor, this isn’t a parallel universe, it isn’t an alternate timeline; and everything is running according to schedule. But now something, somewhere, has gone wrong. The Nazis are building a secret weapon, one that will have a decisive effect on the outcome of the War. Chris thinks it’s a UFO, while Roz believes that the Luftwaffe have developed the largest bomber ever built. Only Benny may have seen the mysterious craft — but she’s disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Lance Parkin wrote this, his first novel, while he was studying for his MA in Post-War English Fiction. He has written for a number of fanzines, notably Matrix, Odyssey, Silver Carrier and In-Vision. He is currently working on a Doctor Who history of the universe for publication in 1996.

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