The Space Museum @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Space Museum

No. 79 of 157 in the Target novelisation readings series
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Cover image for The Space Museum
Starring: Maureen O'Brien
By:Glyn Jones
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Released:  February 2016
Publisher:  BBC Audio
Format: 5 x CD
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Description:  Audio reading of Glyn Jones’ 1987 novelisation. Not to be confused with the TV audio soundtrack of the same story, released in 2009.

Cover blurb:
Maureen O’Brien reads this classic novelisation of a First Doctor TV adventure

“This range of classic Target audiobooks continues to go from strength to strength..." Doctor Who Magazine

The TARDIS materialises on what, at first sight, appears to be a dry and lifeless planet serving only as a graveyard for spaceships. The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki discover a magnificent museum housing relics from every corner of the galaxy. These have been assembled by the Moroks, a race of cruel conquerors who have invaded the planet Xeros and enslaved its inhabitants.

Upon further exploration the TARDIS crew seem to stumble upon the impossible: for suddenly, facing them in an exhibit case, they find...themselves.

Maureen O’Brien, who played Vicki in the BBC TV series, reads Glyn Jones’s complete and unabridged novelisation of his 1965 TV serial, first published by Target Books in 1987.

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