The Trial of a Time Lord: Volume 2 @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Trial of a Time Lord: Volume 2

No. 68 of 157 in the Target novelisation readings series
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Cover image for The Trial of a Time Lord: Volume 2
Starring: Bonnie Langford & Michael Jayston
By:Pip & Jane Baker
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Released:  October 2013
Publisher:  BBC Audio
Format: 6 x CD
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Description:  Following Volume 1, this contains audio readings of the novelisations for Terror of the Vervoids and The Ultimate Foe.

Cover blurb:
Bonnie Langford and Michael Jayston read these thrilling novelisations of the final two adventures in ‘The Trial of a Time Lord’, featuring the Sixth Doctor

Doctor Who: Terror of the Vervoids: On trial for his life, the Doctor defends himself by telling of an adventure set on board the Hyperion III space liner in his future. Answering a distress call, the Doctor and Mel arrive on the liner just as a series of grisly murders begins. Who is behind the murders? Do the enigmatic Mogarians have anything to do with them? Who sent the distress call to the TARDIS? And what hideous menace lies waiting in the Hydroponic Centre?

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Foe: While the Doctor asserts that the evidence of the Matrix, the repository of all Time Lord knowledge, has been tampered with, the mysterious and vengeful prosecuting council, the Valeyard, is confident that the Doctor will be sentenced to death. In a dramatic intervention the Valeyard’s true identity is revealed but he escapes from the Courtroom into the Matrix, and it is into this nightmare world that the Doctor must follow — to his face his ultimate foe...

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