Space Helmet for a Cow: The Mad, True Story of Doctor Who - Volume 1: 1963-1989 @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Space Helmet for a Cow: The Mad, True Story of Doctor Who - Volume 1: 1963-1989

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Cover image for Space Helmet for a Cow: The Mad, True Story of Doctor Who - Volume 1: 1963-1989
By:Paul Kirkley
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Released:  February 2015
Publisher:  Mad Norwegian Press
Format: paperback
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New: £11.96
Used:  £6.27
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New: $14.95
Used:  $13.87
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Used:  $20.97
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Note:  Followed by Volume 2. The official release date was 24 March 2015, however advance copies were produced for the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles from 13-15 Feb, and some of these copies leaked out for general sale after the convention.

Cover blurb:
In Space Helmet for a Cow, Paul Kirkley (SFX magazine) provides a sweeping, wry and warm look at the behind-the-scenes story of Doctor Who — not just the greatest TV show ever made, but frequently the most insane TV show ever made. Which other program, for example, would attempt to sink Atlantis, wage inter-planetary war and crash Concorde — all in BBC Television Centre, on a budget that would barely cover a sitcom?

This is the story of how, over 50 years, a bunch of very clever, very dedicated and sometimes plain crazy people made Doctor Who happen, often against seemingly insuperable odds; a story of triumph and tragedy, tears and tantrums, and an awful lot of men called Donald.

Space Helmet for a Cow also answers the burning questions few have dared tackle before. Questions like: How does a talking cabbage get an Equity card? What would have been in William Hartnell’s Glastonbury set? And if you meet a Yeti coming out of a loo in Tooting Bec, how long should you give it?

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