The Doctor Who Audio Guide @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Doctor Who Audio Guide

No. 67 of 345 in the Miscellaneous factual books series
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By:Colin John Francis
Rating:   9  (3 votes)  Vote here
Review:  Still available :-)  Read more (1 in total)
Editions:  UK (1st paperback) | UK (2nd paperback) | UK (3rd paperback)
Description:  A fan-published guide to Doctor Who audio releases, with all proceeds going to Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Cover image for The Doctor Who Audio Guide
Edition: UK (1st paperback)
Released:  September 2005
Publisher:  Doctor Who Appreciation Society
Format: paperback

Note:  Foreword by Colin Baker. Available in two different bindings: plastic comb binding (enabling the pages to lie flat) and standard “perfect” paperback binding.

Cover blurb:
Doctor Who has always been a popular subject for the audio medium, whether it is radio, talking books, music, reconstructions or fully fledged dramas.

In this guide, Colin John Francis has listed all official Doctor Who audio releases from 1963 to 2005. Included are cast and crew information, running times, release dates and more. Each entry has been fully indexed by title and by contributor, making for easy reference.

The Doctor Who Appreciation Society is pleased to add this guide to its range of reference works.

The proceeds from the sales of this book will be donated to Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Cover image for The Doctor Who Audio Guide: Revised Edition
Edition: UK (2nd paperback)
Title:  The Doctor Who Audio Guide: Revised Edition
Released:  December 2009
Publisher:  Doctor Who Appreciation Society
Format: paperback

Note:  Expanded to include audios released up to the end of 2008. Foreword by Lisa Bowerman.

Cover blurb:
The Doctor Who Audio Guide, researched by Colin John Francis is now in it’s second edition.

This volume is a complete guide to all ‘Doctor Who’ related audio from the first 45 years of the programme. Each title is listed in order of release with all casting and technical details, complete with a comprehensive index.

The proceeds from the sale of this guide will be donated to Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Cover image for The Doctor Who Audio Guide Volume 1: 1963-2008
Edition: UK (3rd paperback)
Title:  The Doctor Who Audio Guide Volume 1: 1963-2008
Released:  May 2020
Publisher:  Space Rocket Ltd
Format: paperback

Note:  Renamed to “Volume 1” but basically the same contents as before, though includes both the 2005 Colin Baker foreword and the 2009 foreword by Lisa Bowerman. A companion Volume 2 was released at the same time which covered 2009-2013. Both editions were available directly from the Doctor Who Appreciation Society website but are now sold out.

Cover blurb:
‘The Doctor Who Audio Guide Volume One’ by Colin John Francis catalogues all official Doctor Who releases from 1963 to 2008.

This is the third version of volume one and like its predecessors is produced to support ‘Marie Curie Cancer Care’.

Colin chose this charity as, when working as a Bluecoat entertainer in the early 1990’s, one of his young campsite colleagues died unexpectedly overnight. It transpired that his friend had cancer, but he was too proud to tell his work colleagues that he had been fighting the disease.

This volume is published by Space Rocket Ltd on behalf of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society. No infringement of any copyright is intended.

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