New Dimensions of Doctor Who: Adventures in Space, Time and Television @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

New Dimensions of Doctor Who: Adventures in Space, Time and Television

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By:Matt Hills (ed.)
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Released:  September 2013
Publisher:  I.B. Tauris
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
‘A pop-cultural matrix of a show, Doctor Who needs exploratory missions from as many different worlds and disciplines as possible. Chewy, provocative ideas and sly insights combine in unexpected ways here, making sure this book will spark many more useful conversations than "who’s your favourite Doctor?"’
Tat Wood, author of About Time 7

The Doctor may have regenerated on many occasions, but so too has Doctor Who. Moving with the times, the show has evolved across fifty years...

New Dimensions of Doctor Who explores contemporary developments in Doctor Who’s music, design and representations of technology, plus issues of showrunner authority and star authorship. Putting these new dimensions into context means thinking about changes in the TV industry such as the rise of branding and transmedia storytelling.

Along with its faster narrative pace, and producer/fan interaction via Twitter, ‘new Who’ also has a new home at Roath Lock Studios, Cardiff Bay. Studying the ’Doctor Who Experience’ in its Cardiff setting, and considering audience nostalgia alongside anniversary celebrations, this book explores how current Doctor Who relates to real-world spaces and times.

New Dimensions of Doctor Who is the scholarly equivalent of a multi-Doctor story, bringing together the authors of Triumph of a Time Lord and TARDISBound, as well as the editors of Time and Relative Dissertations in Space, Impossible Worlds, Impossible Things, Torchwood Declassified and Doctor Who, The Eleventh Hour. It also features contributions from experts on TV brands, bioethics, transmedia and cultural icons. As ‘new Who’ creates ongoing mysteries and poses exciting questions, this collection demonstrates the vitality of Doctor Who studies.

Matt Hills is Professor of Film and TV Studies at Aberystwyth University, UK. He is the author of five previous books, including Fan Cultures (2002) and Triumph of a Time Lord (2010). He is a regular reviewer for, and has published widely on Doctor Who and media fandom.

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