Triumph of a Time Lord - Regenerating Doctor Who in the Twenty-first Century @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Triumph of a Time Lord - Regenerating Doctor Who in the Twenty-first Century

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Cover image for Triumph of a Time Lord - Regenerating Doctor Who in the Twenty-first Century
By:Matt Hills
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Released:  January 2010
Publisher:  I.B. Tauris
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
Before Saturday March 26th 2005, Doctor Who had been off the air as a regular, new TV series for more than fifteen years. And yet, a production team led by Russell T. Davies re-imagined the programme so successfully, so triumphantly, that it’s become an instant Christmas tradition, a BAFTA winner, an international ‘superbrand’ and a number one rated show. It’s even been credited with reinventing family TV.

Triumph of a Time Lord is the first full-length, scholarly study of the ‘new Who’ phenomenon. It explores Doctor Who through contemporary debates in TV Studies: ‘what is quality TV?’ and how can we define TV series as both ‘cult’ and ‘mainstream’? More than that, it challenges academic assumptions, analysing the significance of Murray Gold’s music as well as visual representations.

Written by a a lifelong Who fan, Triumph of a Time Lord also considers the role of fandom in the show’s return: what are the consequences of fans taking charge of the TV series they love? And it investigates the multi-generic identity, the monster-led format, and the time-travelling brand of BBC Wales’ Doctor Who. In the twenty-first century, TV is changing, but the last of the Time Lords has been more than ready: he’s been fantastic.

Matt Hills is Reader in Media and Cultural Studies at Cardiff University. He is the author of Fan Cultures (2002), The Pleasures of Horror (2005) and How To Do Things with Cultural Theory (2005).

‘Brilliant fan-producer (Russell T. Davies) meets brilliant fan-academic (Matt Hills) across the “fan-tastic” new series of Doctor Who. Wittily written, with extended forays on Rose’s “intimate epic” and the reconfiguration of Who’s “unfolding text”, here Time Lords Eccleston and Tennant meet the lords and ladies of Cultural Theory. I predict you will read this book several times, and it will get better each time.’
— John Tulloch, co-author of Doctor Who: The Unfolding Text and Science Fiction Audiences: Watching Doctor Who and Star Trek

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