Pyramids of Mars @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Pyramids of Mars

No. 29 of 187 in the BBC classic series DVDs/Blu-rays series
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Starring: Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Bernard Archard & Gabriel Woolf
By:Robert Holmes & Lewis Greifer
Rating:   9  (129 votes)  Vote here
Review:  whats all the fuss about?  Read more (5 in total)
Editions:  UK UK (DVD) | Australia Australia (DVD) | US US (DVD) | Netherlands Netherlands (DVD)

Cover image for Pyramids of Mars
Edition: UK UK (DVD)
Released:  March 2004
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x DVD
Order from
New:  £5.95
Used:  £2.08
Prices as of 24 Jan 06:24 GMT   More info

Cover blurb:
When the TARDIS is infiltrated by a mysterious force, the Doctor and Sarah Jane are drawn off course and arrive in England at the turn of the 20th Century. Dark forces from aeons ago are beginning to stir, and the whole future of life on Earth is at stake. Sutekh, last of the Osirians, is breaking free from his ancient prison, and no power in the universe can stand in his way...

Special Features

  • Commentary by Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Michael Sheard (Laurence Scarman), Philip Hinchcliffe (Producer) and Paddy Russell (Director)
  • Deleted Scenes A short selection of deleted and extended scenes from the story
  • Osirian Gothic A nostalgic look back at the making of Pyramids of Mars with contributions from cast members and production personnel
  • Serial Thrillers A documentary looking back at the Philip Hinchcliffe era and what made it one of the most successful and popular periods in Doctor Who’s history
  • Now and Then The serial’s locations revisited, almost 30 years on
  • Oh Mummy! A tongue-in-cheek look at Sutekh the Destroyer’s varied career after Pyramids of Mars
  • Photo Gallery
  • Production Subtitles
  • Digitally remastered picture and sound quality

This story was originally broadcast on BBC1 between 25th October - 15th November 1975.

Winner of Doctor Who Magazine’s 40th Anniversary Poll - Most Wanted DVD Release

Cover image for Pyramids of Mars
Edition: Australia Australia (DVD)
Released:  June 2004
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x DVD

Cover blurb:
Same as UK edition.

Cover image for Pyramids of Mars
Edition: US US (DVD)
Released:  September 2004
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x DVD
Order from
Used:  $15.89
Prices as of 24 Jan 06:24 GMT   More info
Order from currently available)

Note:  Contains an additional extra not present on the UK or Australian releases: the introductory narration recorded by actor Howard Da Silva in the 1970s to introduce syndicated versions of Pyramids in North America.

Cover blurb:
As the Doctor and Sarah attempt to return to UNIT HQ, the TARDIS is thrown off course and materializes in 1911 at an old priory owned by Egyptologist Marcus Scarman. While excavating a tomb, the archaeologist became possessed by the spirit of Sutekh, the last survivor of the godlike Osirans. The Doctor and Sarah witness strange and deadly events as Sutekh, who has lain imprisoned in a pyramid for thousands of years, employs Scarman and a legion of robotic mummies in an elaborate scheme that may bring about the destruction of the world.


  • Commentary by actors Elisabeth Sladen and Michael Sheard, producer Philip Hinchcliffe with contributions from director Paddy Russell
  • Osiran Gothic — New exclusive documentary
  • Deleted and extended scenes
  • Now & Then — Revisits the Stargrove locations
  • Serial Thrillers — An in-depth look at Doctor Who in the Philip Hinchcliffe era
  • Oh Mummy — A spoof look at Sutekh’s career post-Pyramids
  • Production Note Option
  • Photo Gallery
  • Easter egg

Cover image for Pyramids of Mars
Edition: Netherlands Netherlands (DVD)
Released:  January 2006
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x DVD

Note:  Contains English audio with Dutch subtitles (although the extras are not subtitled).

Cover blurb:
Als een geheimzinnige kracht de TARDIS binnendringt, raakt de tijdcapsule uit zijn koers en arriveren de Dokter en Sarah Jane in Engeland aan het begin van de 20e eeuw. Donkere, eeuwenoude krachten beginnen zich te roeren en de toekomst van de aarde en de mensheid loopt gevaar. Sutekh, de laatste van de Osirians, ontsnapt uit zijn eeuwenoude gevangenis en geen enkele kracht in het hele universum kan hem tegenhouden...


  • Commentaar van Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Michael Sheard (Laurence Scarman), Philip Hinchcliffe (producer), en Paddy Russell (regisseur)
  • Verwijderde scènes Kleine selectie verwijderde en ingekorte scènes
  • Osirian Gothic Terugblik op ‘the making of’ Pyramids of Mars, met bijdragen van acteurs en productiepersoneel
  • Serial Thrillers Documentaire over de Doctor Who-jaren van Philip Hinchcliffe en de reden dat Doctor Who in deze periode een van de meest succesvolle en populaire tv-series was
  • Now and Then Bezoek aan de locaties van de serie, bijna 30 jaar later
  • Oh Mummy! Blik op de gevarieerde avonturen van Sutekh the Destroyer na Pyramids of Mars
  • Fotogalerij
  • Productiecommentaar op scherm
  • Digitaal bewerkt beeld en geluidsmateriaal

Voor heet eerst uitgezonden op BBC 1 tussen 25 oktober en 15 november 1975

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