Doctor Who Unbound: He Jests at Scars... @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Doctor Who Unbound: He Jests at Scars...

No. 4 of 10 in the Doctor Who Unbound audios series
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Cover image for Doctor Who Unbound: He Jests at Scars...
Starring: Michael Jayston & Bonnie Langford
By:Gary Russell
Rating:   6.3  (33 votes)  Vote here
Review:  Surprisingly Good, If Depressing  Read more (3 in total)
Released:  September 2003
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: 1 x CD
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Note:  Like the other Doctor Who Unbound audios, this release features a new actor playing the Doctor in “what if” scenarios that deliberately break established conventions of the programme (in this case, “what if the Valeyard had won?)

Cover blurb:
The thing about meddling with time is that one moment something is real, the next, it’s been erased. Probability becomes just a possibility. Established truth becomes a theoretical falsehood. Like dominoes, as one timeline falls, the others come cascading down around it. You can engineer new timelines, new possibilities but before long, the distinction between what is, what was, what might be and what never can be becomes blurred.

Out of this grow myths, lies and legends. The Doctor was one such legend, but no one knows whether he truly ever existed. Well, not now they don’t. The Mighty One, ruling the multiverses from the eternal city of Chronopolis has made sure of that...

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