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 | Reviews for The Space Pirates |
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There is 1 review so far. To add a review of your own for this item, visit the voting page.
By: | Matthew David Rabjohns, Bridgend, United Kingdom |
Date: | Wednesday 18 August 2010 |
Rating: |  10 |
It really is sad that the bbc saw fit to demolish some of the best Doctor Who stories in the universe back in the sixties and seventies. It is especially sad when a story as good as the Space Pirates is a casualty of that rather stupid decision made by those chaps.
This story has plenty to keep one hooked and plenty of brilliant acting by all of those involved. Caven is the typical brilliant Rob Holmes Jerkoff, a real nasty piece of work with some brilliant lines.
The crew of V41 LO are all brillaint too. The scenes between Milo and these guys are particularly funny and memorable.
But I love the character of Madeleine Issigri the best. A real pity she couldnt have become a companion. She may have been a little devious but she was brilliantly emotional which is rare for this period of Doctor Who. Its believable in her scenes when Caven reveals that her Daddy is actually alive, if not very well after all. What a manipulative moron. One of the best in this season of Doctor Who.
Is it alright if i blow my nose or is that another offence is one of the classic brilliant lines written for a Doctor Who character. And the peril, particularly in episode two is very well acted by Pat and the gang.
This story is all that I love about Doctor Who and Pat's time in particular. This is not boring and uninspiring, in fact for me itis anything but.
The six episodes just fly by, and dont drag on forever like many a six parter seems to in Doctor Who. Well cool story. Pity like I said that it is no longer available in its entirety on video. A real tragedy....