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 | Reviews for The Guardian Of The Solar System |
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There are 2 reviews so far. To add a review of your own for this item, visit the voting page.
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 | strong end to a very good trilogy |
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By: | Matthew David Rabjohns, Bridgend, United Kingdom |
Date: | Thursday 9 June 2011 |
Rating: |  10 |
Jean Marsh rocks as Sara Kingdom, cant wait to hear more of her story hopefully not too far in the future! Simon Guerrier has definitely provided three corking good scripts which Jean clearly has enjoyed doing, as its so evident in her pitch perfect delivery and performance. This end to the trilogy is emotinally charged, and has a very strong narrative indeed. The plot too is wonderfully done and very strongly laid out. Lisa Bowerman's direction is totally superb. Niall MacGrger too is excellent in his character of Robert. The end of this trilogy has been long awaited, and it defintely leaves one wanting more. I wonder who will get the chance to write for the brilliant Miss Kingdom next? Whoever they are, they have a very tough act to follow indeed. For Simon Guerrier has produced one of the best trilogies in any genre of stories ever. But I am willing to give any story with the great Jean Marsh a chance. After all, Sara Kingdom is such a brilliant character. The character of Steven and the Doctor is spot on too, and is a fitting tribute to the late great William Hartnell. Its so lovely seeing his face on the cover of new and thoroughly thrilling new adventures. Well done BFP, and well done Jean, and well done Simon.
By: | , |
Date: | Thursday 12 April 2012 |
Rating: |  10 |