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 | Reviews for The Brain of Morbius |
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There are 3 reviews so far. To add a review of your own for this item, visit the voting page.
By: | Trevor Smith, Nottingham, United Kingdom |
Date: | Tuesday 22 July 2008 |
Rating: |   9 |
One of my all time favourite 4th Doctor/Tom Baker tales comes to DVD. This has everything, Tom & Liz, a creepy castle, a mad scientist, his deformed assistant, a monster, a group of crazy women with powers, wonderful sets, wonderful performances & a cracking story. The extras are pretty good as well. An in depth making of documentary & a very interesting CGI recreation of the construction of the set. The commentary is also great fun. Essential purchase.
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 | Great story, let down by the DVD |
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By: | Huw Davies, Taunton, United Kingdom |
Date: | Friday 26 September 2008 |
Rating: |   8 |
If I was rating the story alone this would get 9/10 from me, as the only problem I see with this story is the slight tackiness of the Morbius monster.
However, the DVD is a little less satisfying. The voiceover by Paul McGann on 'Getting a Head' is poor, and the CGI tour of the studios is also pretty rubbish.
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 | This isnt Frankenstein... |
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By: | Matthew David Rabjohns, Bridgend, United Kingdom |
Date: | Monday 2 May 2011 |
Rating: |   3 |
Ive somehow just never gelled with the Brain of Morbius. Yes, I know that Phil Madoc is excellent as Solon, and Michael Spice provides a chilling voice for Morbius, but this is just so very boring, I think thats the problem for me. It plods so very badly indeed. Tom Baker isnt used well either, with no explanation as to why hess delivered back to Solon apparently dead at the end of episode three. The Morbius monster may be a brilliant piece of design work, but as with the Zarbi in The Web Planet, its just sad it isnt in a better story. Colin Fay is the best thing here, playing aa very sympathetic character, and as usual he's killed off too early. But these points cant stop this from being totally slow and tedious.