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| Reviews for The Mind's Eye |
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There are 3 reviews so far. To add a review of your own for this item, visit the voting page.
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| Brilliant stuff, after some let downs |
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By: | Matthew David Rabjohns, Bridgend, United Kingdom |
Date: | Friday 16 November 2007 |
Rating: | 10 |
The story is very well written. And there is plenty of action and yet again a new fresh idea to bring to the Doctor Who world. The Doctor lands on a planet full of intelligent and dangerous plants, but at first you think that all of the stories are seperate, but it is actually very cleverly written to keep you guessing. Also, the idea allows for a lot of things you otherwise wouldnt hear or see in any Doctor Who. Since when have we ever had a companion settling down with a family? Never. And as per usual the actors are great and the cliffhangers are great. This is far better than the last few big finish works, and left me far more satisfied. Mission Of The Viyrans is a great one parter too, which really could be confusing if not for the ending. But a great and different tale. I hope nothing happens to Erimem in the near future, shes a great companion...
By: | Doug, Pocono Summit, PA, USA |
Date: | Monday 28 January 2008 |
Rating: | 7 |
Spoilers Ahead
I found The Mind's Eye to be a moderately interesting story, well-produced and fairly well-written. The Doctor, Peri and Erimem have come to a planet that appears to be a paradise, but is actually not nearly as pleasant as it appears. A rather interesting kind of intelligent plant life subdues its victims and weaves dreamworlds for them out of their own memories, getting them caught up in vivid dreams that they take as being reality, in which the plant itself plays roles, while it begins to slowly digest the victim. The Doctor and friends fall prey to some of these plants, and it is up to the Doctor, with a little help from members of an expedition on the planet who have questionable motives, to rescue Erimem and Peri. This involves more than simply physically removing them from the plants, and there is the additional threat of the odd "jekylls," an animal species that has a strong connection with the deadly plants.
This was an interesting story, but I felt it fell short in a couple of areas. For one thing, a great deal of time was spent in Peri's dreamworld, which was really just a rather mundane soap opera-type situation. And I also would've liked to have gotten more of a look into the mentality of the plants, so to speak, but the dream characters generated by the plants really didn't reveal any kind of specific mind at work like that. They served to maintain the fantasies and resist references to the "real world," but didn't seem to really have any characteristics beyond what would be expected from ordinary dream characters. That was disappointing.
And of course, there was significant borrowing from the Wachowskis' Matrix films, but it was done differently enough to keep the story fresh.
The one-part Mission of the Viyrans is a very creepy little oddity, kind of the nightmare to the dream of The Mind's Eye.
In addition, the "cd extras" included in this release continue to offer interesting looks behind the scenes.
Overall: entertaining, but missing that element that would hook the listener into an unforgettable story experience.
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| Interesting though not Spectacular |
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By: | David Layton, Los Angeles, United States |
Date: | Saturday 27 August 2016 |
Rating: | 7 |
"The Mind's Eye" is one of those "what is real?" shows. The TARDIS crew are seemingly split up on different worlds in different realities, but is that what is really going on? There is a secret military research installation, a scientist with questionable morality, and animals that go berserk only at night. Colin Brake has decided mostly just to throw these things together to create "problems." We also get some improbable noble sacrifices at the end. The story plays along pretty well, and the acting is all very good. This is a short 3-parter, with each part being rather short, so filling the 4th part is an extra story, "Mission of the Viyrans," by Nicholas Briggs, as a kind of introduction to his new bunch of aliens. This is another "what is real?" story focusing mainly on Peri and taking place after Erimem has already left the TARDIS, so preparing listeners for "The Bride of Peladon." It functions well as a set-up piece, though not quite as well as an independent story.