Regenerations @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)


No. 54 of 75 in the Miscellaneous short stories series
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Cover image for Regenerations
By:Kenton Hall (ed.)
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Released:  August 2020
Publisher:  ChinBeard Books
Format: paperback
ChinBeard Books

Description:  Following on from the Seasons of War books, this is a limited edition short story anthology featuring the War Doctor, in aid of charity.

Cover blurb:
“Something has gone very wrong with time”

The Time Lord formerly known as the Doctor has been fighting the Time War for as long as he can recall.

His previous lives — all those triumphs and tragedies — have been boxed up and filed away, too painful to revisit.

That is until something, or someone, begins tugging at the thread of the Doctor’s past. As familiar stories twist and shift, threatening the stability of the universe itself, the reluctant Warrior finds himself with only one option.

He has to save the Doctor.

An unofficial Doctor Who anthology in aid of Invest In ME

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