Downtime: Original Soundtrack Recording @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Downtime: Original Soundtrack Recording

No. 38 of 66 in the Miscellaneous music & sound effects series
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Cover image for Downtime: Original Soundtrack Recording
Starring: Unknown
By:Ian Levine, Nigel Stock & Erwin Keiles
Rating:   6  (3 votes)  Vote here
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Released:  December 1995
Publisher:  Silva Screen
Format: 1 x CD
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Used:  $24.90
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Note:  Music from the Doctor Who spin-off video drama.

Cover blurb:
The Yeti are back in this all new independant [sic] drama spin-off from Doctor Who!

Track listing:

  1. Introduction: Detsen Monastery And The Title Sequence
  2. Astral Plane
  3. Confrontation
  4. Eerie
  5. First Chase
  6. Second Chase
  7. Truth
  8. Chase / Astral Plane
  9. Brigadier’s Lost Memory
  10. Intelligence
  11. Message Understood
  12. He Fell
  13. Hallucination
  14. Astral Plane
  15. Travers
  16. I’m Still Alive
  17. Danny Was Right
  18. Double Cross
  19. Sting
  20. Build Up
  21. Apparition
  22. The Stranger
  23. Realisation
  24. Family / Yeti Themes
  25. Approach
  26. Single Sting
  27. The Lift
  28. Webs
  29. Attack
  30. Yeti March
  31. Climax
  32. Victoria
  33. Family Theme
  34. End Credits

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