Timelink - The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Timelink - The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity

No. 51 of 345 in the Miscellaneous factual books series
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By:Jon Preddle
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Editions:  New Zealand (original paperback) | UK (volume 1 paperback) | UK (volume 2 paperback)
Description:  An in-depth exploration of the complex timeline and continuity of Doctor Who over the decades.

Cover image for Timelink - An Exploration of Doctor Who Continuity
Edition: New Zealand (original paperback)
Title:  Timelink - An Exploration of Doctor Who Continuity
Released:  February 2000
Publisher:  TSV Books
Format: paperback

Note:  Published by the New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club. A second, slightly revised, edition was published in June 2000 and reprinted twice more in 2001.

Cover blurb:
How old was the Doctor when he left Gallifrey?

How many days duration is The War Games?

When are the UNIT stories set?

Is Revenge Of The Cybermen set before or after Earthshock?

When does The Five Doctors take place within each Doctor’s time-stream?

Did the events of Terror Of The Vervoids really occur?

Which Doctor was responsible for launching the Nemesis into space?

Is the Doctor half-human?

These question and more are examined in
an in-depth exploration of the complex continuity of the world’s longest-running science-fiction television programme

Over a decade in the making, TIMELINK offers a different perspective on the ‘History of the Universe’ as told in DOCTOR WHO and presents many fresh theories and solutions to some of the series’ many continuity anomalies and discrepancies

Cover image for Timelink - The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity: Volume One
Edition: UK (volume 1 paperback)
Title:  Timelink - The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity: Volume One
Released:  February 2011
Publisher:  Telos
Format: paperback
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New: $43.51
Prices as of 17 Feb 16:43 GMT   More info

Note:  This revised & expanded edition was originally announced with a 2006 launch date but delayed repeatedly. Unusually, the page count for this book is so large that it was printed as two volumes, released simultaneously but sold separately & each with their own ISBN number. (The 2nd volume is listed below). Volume 1 is approx. 600 pages in length and contains “detailed analysis of every aspect of the Doctor’s lives, friends and foes”. Meanwhile Volume 2 is approx 700 pages and contains “a complete and detailed timeline of every one of the Doctor’s on-screen adventures from 1963 to 2009”.

Cover blurb:
An in-depth exploration of the complex continuity of the world’s longest running science fiction television programme, Doctor Who. Over fifteen years in the making, Timelink offers a different perspective on the history of the universe as told through the many adventures of the Doctor. Author Jon Preddle presents fresh theories and solutions to some of the many continuity anomalies and discrepancies in the series.

Volume One contains detailed analysis of every aspect of the Doctor’s lives, friends and foes. Discover how to date the UNIT stories; what order the Dalek invasions of Earth took place; and how old the Doctor really is. The history of the Time Lords is put in context, and the history of space-flight is revealed.

This is a project that no self-respecting fan of Doctor Who can be without. The analysis encompasses the original series which ran from 1963 to 1989, the one-off Paul McGann TV Movie of 1996, the 2005 - 2009 Doctor Who revival helmed by Russell T Davies, as well as Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.

‘Preddle’s stamina, invention and clever observations have the grey matter firing — and somehow, he makes this beast readable... Almost endless, Timelink is the answer to everything you never thought you wanted to know.’

Vanessa Bishop, Doctor Who Magazine
From review of an earlier edition

Cover image for Timelink - The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity: Volume Two
Edition: UK (volume 2 paperback)
Title:  Timelink - The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to Doctor Who Continuity: Volume Two
Released:  February 2011
Publisher:  Telos
Format: paperback
Order from Amazon.co.uk(Not currently available)
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New: $59.95 $52.38 Save 13%
Used:  $45.00
Prices as of 17 Feb 16:43 GMT   More info
Order from Amazon.ca
New: $142.69
Prices as of 17 Feb 16:43 GMT   More info

Cover blurb:
An in-depth exploration of the complex continuity of the world’s longest running science fiction television programme, Doctor Who. Over fifteen years in the making, Timelink offers a different perspective on the history of the universe as told through the many adventures of the Doctor. Author Jon Preddle presents fresh theories and solutions to some of the many continuity anomalies and discrepancies in the series.

Volume Two contains a complete and detailed timeline of every one of the Doctor’s on-screen adventures from 1963 to 2009. Featuring notes on where the TARDIS lands, unseen adventures, timings, and every element of continuity seen and revealed along the way.

This is a project that no self-respecting fan of Doctor Who can be without. The analysis encompasses the original series which ran from 1963 to 1989, the one-off Paul McGann TV Movie of 1996, the 2005 - 2009 Doctor Who revival helmed by Russell T Davies, as well as Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.

‘Preddle’s stamina, invention and clever observations have the grey matter firing — and somehow, he makes this beast readable... Almost endless, Timelink is the answer to everything you never thought you wanted to know.’

Vanessa Bishop, Doctor Who Magazine
From review of an earlier edition

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