Face to Face: Interviews Across Time and Space - Volume 1: The Classic Series @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Face to Face: Interviews Across Time and Space - Volume 1: The Classic Series

No. 188 of 344 in the Miscellaneous factual books series
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Cover image for Face to Face: Interviews Across Time and Space - Volume 1: The Classic Series
By:Eddie McGuigan
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Released:  November 2013
Publisher:  Obverse Books
Format: paperback
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Obverse Books

Note:  Compilation of interviews with Doctor Who stars. The “Volume 1” title suggests that a Volume 2 was planned, however no such book was ever published.

Cover blurb:
When Eddie McGuigan was a boy in Scotland, watching Doctor Who on the family television, he never expected that one day he’d be friends with some of the stars of the show.

But it’s funny how things work out.

Over the years, first as a fanzine writer and then as the public face of the Outpost Skaro web forum, he’s spoken to everyone who’s anybody in Doctor Who, both in front and behind the camera.

Presented here, for the first time in print, are the moments when Eddie went face to face with his heroes, the people who made — and make — Doctor Who the worldwide phenomenon it is!

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