WhoTalk: Mars Attacks! Commentaries @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

WhoTalk: Mars Attacks! Commentaries

No. 23 of 36 in the WhoTalk commentary CDs series
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Cover image for WhoTalk: Mars Attacks! Commentaries
Starring: Toby Hadoke
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Released:  February 2019
Publisher:  Fantom Publishing
Format: 2 x CD
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Fantom Publishing

Cover blurb:
Patrick Troughton’s “Monster Era” introduced viewers to the towering Martian invaders known as Ice Warriors; iconic monsters who have returned several times over the course of Doctor Who’s history.

Mars Attacks! contains commentaries for The Ice Warriors, The Seeds of Death and The Empress of Mars.

Moderated by actor, comedian and cult television enthusiast Toby Hadoke, this release features Wendy Gifford (Miss Garrett), Louise Pajo (Gia Kelly), Richard Ashton (Friday) and Adele Lynch (Iraxxa).

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