The Magician's Oath @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Magician‘s Oath

No. 18 of 87 in the The Companion Chronicles audiobooks series
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Cover image for The Magician's Oath
Starring: Richard Franklin
By:Scott Handcock
Rating:   7  (10 votes)  Vote here
Review:  Loss and loneliness  Read more (2 in total)
Released:  April 2009
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: 1 x CD
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Cover blurb:
“You must never tell. Not a soul. That’s the magician’s oath."

A heatwave in July and a tube train is dscovered buried in twenty inches of snow. A Saturday afternoon in Hyde Park and scores of people are instantly frozen to death where they stand while the sun beats down from the sky. Freak weather conditions in London, and the Doctor and UNIT are called in to find the cause.

Meanwhile, a street magician, who was witnessed at the scene of the tragedy, entertains crowds in Covent Garden. As Jo Grant and Mike Yates disobey orders and investigate alone, they discover an enemy with terrifying powers. And they may not live to share his secrets...

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