Delta and the Bannermen @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Delta and the Bannermen

No. 113 of 135 in the BBC classic series videos series
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Starring: Sylvester McCoy & Bonnie Langford
By:Malcolm Kohll
Rating:   4.3  (102 votes)  Vote here
Review:  Lets Rock'n Roll  Read more (2 in total)
Editions:  UK UK (VHS) | US US (VHS)
Description:  VHS video release of the 1987 Doctor Who TV story of the same name.

Cover image for Delta and the Bannermen
Edition: UK UK (VHS)
Released:  March 2001
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS PAL
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Cover blurb:
The Chimeron homeworld is attacked by Gavrok and his troops — the Bannermen. The sole survivor is the Chimeron Queen, Delta, who flees carrying with her the last chance for the future of her race...

The Doctor and Mel arrive at a Galactic Tollport, to discover they’ve won a holiday to Disneyland in 1959, alongside a party of disguised alien Navarinos. Just before they all depart, the tour is joined by Delta, who travels with them back to Earth...

Colliding with an early American satellite, the trip back in time is thrown wildly off course. Instead of ending up at Disneyland, the whole party lands instead at the Shangri-La holiday camp in South Wales, 1959.

The Doctor and Mel take full advantage of the holiday camp, the entertainment and some vintage rock ‘n’ roll. But the Bannermen are tracking Delta, and before long the holiday camp is the scene for a battle that could decide the survival of the Chimeron race — not to mention the survival of all those caught up in the conflict...

This story was broadcast on BBC1 between 2 and 16 November 1987.

Cover image for Delta and the Bannermen
Edition: US US (VHS)
Released:  June 2002
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 1 x VHS NTSC
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New:  $24.00
Used:  $8.89
Prices as of 10 Feb 14:09 GMT   More info
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Cover blurb:
The Chimeron homeworld is attacked by Gavrok and his troops — the Bannermen. The sole survivor is the Chimeron Queen, Delta, who flees carrying with her the last hope for the future of her race.

Meanwhile, the Doctor and Mel arrive at a galactic tollport and discover they are lucky winners of a holiday to Disneyland in 1959. As they board an intergalactic tour bus full of alien Navarinos disguised to blend in at the theme park, Delta mingles in with the crowd to elude the pursuing Bannermen.

Colliding with an early American satellite, the ship is thrown wildly off course. Instead of reaching Disneyland, the whole party ends up at the Shangri-La holiday camp in South Wales.

The Doctor and Mel gamely make do with the holiday camp’s modest diversions, which at least include vintage rock’n’roll. Unfortunately for those who haven’t purchased travel insurance, the Bannermen trace Delta to Shangri-La.

Before long the camp is the scene for a battle that could decide the survival of the Chimeron race — not to mention the survival of all those caught up in the conflict.

Originally transmitted November 2 - 16, 1987.

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