Mission to Magnus @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Mission to Magnus

No. 3 of 3 in the The Missing Episodes novelisations series
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Cover image for Mission to Magnus
By:Philip Martin
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Review:  Mission Missing  Read more (2 in total)
Released:  July 1990
Publisher:  Target
Format: paperback
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Note:  Two other “missing episode” novelisations were also published, adapting unmade TV stories which were scrapped due to the cancellation of Doctor Who in 1985. The others were The Nightmare Fair and The Ultimate Evil. Also available as an audio adaptation.

Cover blurb:
‘Did I hear “Doctor”? Is it the Doctor I have drawn to me?’ The laugh became more strident, forcing the Doctor to thrust his fingers into his ears in panic and close his eyes, as if here were [sic] a frightened child.

The TARDIS has been pulled off course and sent hurtling through space and time. When it finally stops, Peri is amazed to witness the Doctor’s transformation into a cringing coward.

The takeover of the TARDIS by the school bully from the class of the fourth millennium on Gallifrey is only the first of the Doctor’s problems. On the surface of the planet Magnus more of his old enemies are conspiring to trick the planet’s all-female rulers; the Doctor and Peri have to foil a plot to freeze the entire world and wipe out most of the population.

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