The Handbook: The Seventh Doctor @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Handbook: The Seventh Doctor

No. 7 of 10 in the The Handbook series
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Cover image for The Handbook: The Seventh Doctor
By:David J. Howe & Stephen James Walker
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Released:  October 1998
Publisher:  Virgin
Format: paperback
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Note:  Later reprinted as part of the omnibus editions The Handbook and The Handbook: Volume Two.

Cover blurb:
Doctor Who is the world’s longest-running science fiction television series. Each handbook will provide both a broad overview and a detailed analysis of one phase of the programme’s history.

Sylvester McCoy brought the mystery back to Doctor Who. With his companions Mel, and later the irrepressable Ace, he battled the Rani, Daleks, Cybermen, Haemovores and all manner of other alien horrors to bring justice to the universe, and perhaps to enjoy a nice cup of tea once the fighting was over. Ace, on the other hand, just wanted to blow things up, and it took the Doctor’s influence to shape and focus her energies so that she emerged as arguably the most popular of all the Doctor’s companions.

This book is an in-depth study of Sylvester McCoy’s tenure as the Doctor, including a profile of the actor, a critical summary of each story in which he starred, and much, much more.

In addition, this volume looks at what happened to Doctor Who following its cancellation as a regular BBC production in 1989, with extensive coverage of the 1996 telemovie which featured Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor and which introduced Paul McGann as the mercurial and bohemian eighth Doctor.

Close to 100,000 copies of the Doctor Who Handbooks have been sold to date and together they comprise the most in-depth and authoritative exploration of the Doctor Who phenomenon yet published.

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