How to Walk Through a Door: A (Mostly) True Memoir @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

How to Walk Through a Door: A (Mostly) True Memoir

No. 48 of 48 in the Cast biographies series
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Cover image for How to Walk Through a Door: A (Mostly) True Memoir
By:Tom Baker
Released:  December 2026 (Exact date unconfirmed)
Publisher:  BBC Books
Format: hardback
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Description:  Appears to have been cancelled — will be removed from the site shortly. A second volume of memoirs from Tom Baker, following 1997’s Who on Earth is Tom Baker?

Publisher’s description as follows:

Just who do I think I am?
Tom Baker is a British original - a charismatic actor, writer, and innate storyteller who has lived more lives than the Time Lord he so famously portrayed on Doctor Who. His new memoir collects some of his best stories, from some of his best lives. In his unique voice, Tom serves some glorious gossip about Doctor Who, Little Britain, and the great and ghastly of Soho in the 70s (all of whom he’s rather surprised to have outlived). He also talks about his years after leaving the TARDIS: a period of personal and professional wandering where it seemed he was employed by people mostly curious to know if he was still alive.
What was it like being the most sought-after voice in Britain? (Was he really the model for Steven Toast?) Did he really spend his days declaiming sonnets on long walks with his cats and settling old scores with rivals in Waitrose? Or does the legendary hellraiser of the Coach and Horses still burn bright? You’ll discover the truly amazing job he turned down and why he decided to don that famous scarf one final time and return to Doctor Who.
Tom once famously said that acting is mostly figuring out how to walk through a door - and in his remarkable life, he has walked through (and into, and out of) so many of them.
Blackly comic, intimate, gossipy, thought-provoking, and always wildly entertaining, How to Walk through a Door takes you into the private world of Tom Baker.

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