Cwej: Down the Middle @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Cwej: Down the Middle

No. 1 of 5 in the Cwej short story collections series
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By:Hunter O'Connell (ed.)
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Editions:  US (paperback) | US (2nd paperback) | US (hardback)
Description:  Short-story anthology featuring Chris Cwej, companion to the Doctor during 1990s New Adventure novels such as Original Sin.

Cover image for Cwej: Down the Middle
Edition: US (paperback)
Released:  October 2020
Publisher:  Arcbeatle Press
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
Chris Cwej. Once, a policeman, tasked with maintaining order through the galaxy. Once, a traveler through space and time, righting wrongs with his friends.

Now — an operative for powers far beyond humanity’s comprehension. A soldier in cosmic games, trying to obey the commands of his Superiors, but facing, time and again, heartbreak and sacrifice. Far from everything and everyone he once cared about, and drifting through an infinity of wars, conspiracies and betrayals...

These are his stories — tales of unlikely allies, of doomed loved affairs and of wild interventions in Earth’s history. From battlefields to cozy meetings with adventuress Iris Wildthyme: a chronicle of a man split down the middle.

CWEJ: DOWN THE MIDDLE is an officially-licensed anthology continuing the adventures of the character created for the Virgin New Adventures book line, featuring contributions from Doctor Who writers Andy Lane (Original Sin, All-Consuming Fire, A Thousand Tiny Wings) and Simon Bucher-Jones (The Death of Art, The Taking of Planet 5), alongside a vast panel of new and diverse talents.

Cover image for Cwej: Down the Middle
Edition: US (2nd paperback)
Released:  March 2023
Publisher:  Arcbeatle Press
Format: paperback
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New: £23.26
Prices as of 8 Feb 00:34 GMT   More info
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New: $41.81
Prices as of 8 Feb 00:34 GMT   More info

Note:  Paperback reprint with a new cover design. One story was removed — Hearts of Gold by Sam Maleski — due to allegations of misconduct made against the author. The publisher later split this version of the collection into three so-called “arc editions”, allowing purchasers to dip their toes in the water without having to buy the full 700-page collection all at once. The three volumes were: Living Memory, Dying to Forget and Uprising.

Cover blurb:
Same as first edition.

No cover available
Edition: US (hardback)
Released:  June 2025 (Exact date unconfirmed)
Publisher:  Arcbeatle Press
Format: hardback

Note:  Collector’s hardback edition with three new stories — A Message to Panda by Paul Magrs, Tour of La Kraw el Sol by Hunter O’Connell and Barnyard of the Cryptopyres by Tyche McPhee Letts. Like the paperback reprint, Hearts of Gold by Sam Maleski has also been removed.

Cover blurb:
No cover information available yet.

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