Faction Paradox: The Book of the Peace @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Faction Paradox: The Book of the Peace

No. 5 of 7 in the Faction Paradox short stories series
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Cover image for Faction Paradox: The Book of the Peace
By:Philip Marsh (ed.)
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Released:  December 2018
Publisher:  Obverse Books
Format: paperback
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Obverse Books

Note:  Short story collection.

Cover blurb:
The Book Of The Peace

— being the only accurate record of the end of the War between the Great Houses and their Enemy, and the effects thereof on the denizens of the Spiral Politic and wider universe in the period in which the armistice was negotiated and signed.

— presenting the accounts of a small number of subjects from a range of time periods and places, using their individual perspectives to provide an experience-base from which broader generalisations may be made.

— including several carefully selected case studies, forming a history of the immediate aftermath of the Peace ‘from below’.

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