Doctor Who and History: Critical Essays on Imaging the Past @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Doctor Who and History: Critical Essays on Imaging the Past

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Cover image for Doctor Who and History: Critical Essays on Imaging the Past
By:Carey Fleiner & Dene October (ed.)
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Released:  July 2017
Publisher:  McFarland
Format: paperback
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Cover blurb:
When Sydney Newman conceived the idea for Doctor Who in 1963, he envisioned a show that would entertain as well as educate. Historical adventures were part of his vision — the Doctor and his companions would visit and observe, but not interfere with, events in history. That plan was dropped early on. Not only has the Doctor happily meddled with historical events for decades, his adventures — on television, in films, novels, comics, books and games — reflect how we regard our own place in history.

This collection of new essays examines how the Doctor engages with history and inspires reflections upon history. Topics includes reconstruction of lost historical serials, reflections on Britain’s colonial past, the subversion of nostalgia for village life, the depiction of Norse myths, alternate history, and the impact of historical decisions on the present.

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