Deep Time @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Deep Time

No. 63 of 83 in the BBC new series audiobooks series
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Cover image for Deep Time
Starring: Dan Starkey
By:Trevor Baxendale
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Released:  November 2015
Publisher:  BBC Audio
Format: 5 x CD
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Note:  Audio reading of the 12th Doctor novel.

Cover blurb:
Dan Starkey reads this original novel featuring the Twelfth Doctor and Clara, as played in the BBC TV series by Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman

The Phaeron travelled among the stars using roads made from time and space, but left only relics behind when they disappeared over a million years ago. But what actually happened to the Phaeron?

In the far future, humans discover the last Phaeron road — and the Doctor and Clara join the mission to see where it leads. Each member of the team knows exactly what they’re looking for — but only the Doctor knows exactly what they’ll find.

Because only the Doctor knows the true secret of the Phaeron: a secret so terrible and powerful that it must be buried in the deepest grave imaginable...

A complete and unabridged reading by Dan Starkey, who plays Strax the Sontaran in the BBC TV series.

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