The Eye of the Jungle @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

The Eye of the Jungle

No. 18 of 56 in the New series audio originals series
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Cover image for The Eye of the Jungle
Starring: David Troughton
By:Darren Jones
Rating:   8  (3 votes)  Vote here
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Released:  July 2011
Publisher:  BBC Audio
Format: 2 x CD
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Note:  Subsequently re-released as part of a box set with fellow 11th Doctor audio The Hounds of Artemis, and also as part of the TARDIS Adventure Collection and Eleventh Doctor Tales.

Cover blurb:
David Troughton reads this exclusive audio adventure featuring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory, with original music and sound design

The Amazon rainforest, 1827. The Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in the jungle near a hurriedly abandoned campsite, where they are surrounded by hungry black caiman — huge lizards. Only the arrival of a man with a rifle sees off the giant beasts.

Oliver Blazington has come to the forest to bag big game, and his companion Garrett is a naturalist, collecting exotic creatures for London Zoo. But the Doctor soon discovers that another very different hunter is stalking the Amazon. Animals and people have been disappearing without trace, and local villagers speak darkly of ‘The Eye of the Jungle’.

Amy senses that the all-seeing Eye is watching them — but she and Rory are powerless to intervene when it sets its sights on the Doctor...

Written specially for audio by Darren Jones, The Eye of the Jungle features the Doctor, Amy and Rory as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the acclaimed hit series from BBC Television.

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