Bernice Summerfield: The Vampire Curse @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Bernice Summerfield: The Vampire Curse

No. 12 of 16 in the Bernice Summerfield short stories series
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Cover image for Bernice Summerfield: The Vampire Curse
By:Mags L. Halliday, Kelly Hale & Philip Purser-Hallard
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Released:  November 2008
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: hardback
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Description:  Collection of three novellas in one book.

Cover blurb:
In the course of a career spent digging up ancient things, Professor Bernice Summerfield has had more than one brush with the oldest and most widely-dispersed race of undead in the universe — vampires. Is she cursed? Or does everybody have to put up with this?

In these three stories, a young Benny files a column for a local news outlet whilst trying to stop an ancient curse escaping from her expedition; later in her life, Bernice joins a galactic tour of vampire history in order to investigate sinister happenings; and an aged Bernice Summerfield is forced to confront the equally bloody past of a fellow attendee at the predictably ill-fated First Interdisciplinary Conference on Vampirology.

Mags L. Halliday has climbed over the roofs of Hampton Court Palace and St Paul’s Cathedral, and can get herself lost in the British Museum. As this sort of adventuring got in the way of her writing, she is now a civil servant. She has appeared in various short-story collections and written two novels. She clearly watches too much wuxia and is trying to wean herself off bad chicklit.

Kelly Hale lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest in a magical fairyland city where the streets are paved with espresso beans and the rubbish recycles itself: All hail Portlandia! She’s written novels, short stories, and plays, Bernice Summerfield has long been one of the fictional characters she’d most like to meet for drinks at Harry’s Bar in Paris.

Philip Purser-Hallard lives in Bristol, where he divides his time between writing and a job you don’t care about. He writes a regular online column on science fiction and religion, and occasionally gives talks. He believes that one day in the future, humans will rise up and overthrow their feline masters.

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