Torchwood: Series One Part Three - Episodes Ten - Thirteen @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Torchwood: Series One Part Three - Episodes Ten - Thirteen

No. 3 of 10 in the Torchwood DVDs/Blu-rays series
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Starring: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Burn Gorman & Naoko Mori
By:Catherine Tregenna, Noel Clarke & Chris Chibnall
Rating:   8  (6 votes)  Vote here
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Editions:  UK UK (DVD) | Australia Australia (DVD)
Description:  DVD release of the final four episodes of the first series of the Doctor Who spinoff, first broadcast in 2006.

Cover image for Torchwood: Series One Part Three - Episodes Ten - Thirteen
Edition: UK UK (DVD)
Released:  March 2007
Publisher:  BBC Video
Format: 2 x DVD
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New:  £3.73
Used:  £0.28
Prices as of 11 Feb 02:51 GMT   More info

Cover blurb:
“The 21st Century is when it all changes and you’ve got to be ready..." — Captain Jack Harkness

Separate from the government, outside the police, beyond the United Nations: Torchwood sets its own rules. Retrieving alien technology and responding to any extra-terrestrial threat — a meteorite crash landing, discovery of alien weapons, unusual autopsy reports — Torchwood are alien hunters in our world.

Operating from an underground base in Cardiff — built on a rift in time and space — Torchwood is comprised of the enigmatic leader Captain Jack Harkness; resourceful Gwen Cooper, the passion and drive of the team; Owen Harper, young and hedonistic but a brilliant medic; reserved, technical genius Toshiko Sato; and Ianto Jones, a figure far more important than his receptionist’s role suggests.

10. Out of Time
When a plane from 1953 makes an unexpected landing in present-day Cardiff, there are painful consequences for all concerned.

11. Combat
Owen is sent undercover to discover why aliens are being kidnapped from the streets of Cardiff.

12. Captain Jack Harkness
Trapped in 1941, Jack and Toshiko meet an American squadron leader by the name of Captain Jack Harkness.

13. End of Days
The rift has been opened — and time is splintering. Can Captain Jack save the world?

Special Features:

  • The Captain’s Log Video Diary
  • Torchwood: On Time Featurette
  • Episode Guides
  • Deleted Scenes

Cover image for Torchwood: Series One Part Three - Episodes Ten - Thirteen
Edition: Australia Australia (DVD)
Released:  October 2007
Publisher:  ABC
Format: 2 x DVD

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