Short Trips: A Day in the Life - A Short-Story Anthology @ The TARDIS Library (Doctor Who books, DVDs, videos & audios)

Short Trips: A Day in the Life - A Short-Story Anthology

No. 16 of 32 in the Short Trips short story collections series
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Cover image for Short Trips: A Day in the Life - A Short-Story Anthology
By:Ian Farrington (ed.)
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Released:  June 2005
Publisher:  Big Finish
Format: hardback
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Cover blurb:

When you’re time travellers, the concept of a day — from midnight to midnight — can get lost: the Doctor and his companions arrive on different planets in different eras at different times of the day. They can show up during someone’s lunch break or when they’re asleep, at the breaking of dawn or the coming of night.

Throughout his adventures, the Doctor meets many people — security guards on a night shift, mysterious space travellers riding the vortex, mobs of blobby Kobolds, a family sitting down to watch TV — but all too often their interaction is brief, a fleeting connection in the web of history.

Time, it seems, is very much of the essence...

Featuring stories by Dan Abnett, Trevor Baxendale, Nev Fountain, Simon Guerrier, Joseph Lidster and many more!


  • After Midnight by Andy Russell
  • Sold Out by Danny Oz
  • Undercurrents by Gary Merchant
  • The Five O’Clock Shadow by Nev Fountain
  • Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast by Dan Abnett
  • The Heroine, The Hero and The Meglomaniac by Ian Mond
  • Waiting for Jeremy by Richard Salter
  • A Life in the Day by Xanna Eve Chown
  • Morphology by Phil Pascoe
  • Making History by Trevor Baxendale
  • One Wednesday Afternoon by Alison Jacobs
  • How You Get There by Simon Guerrier
  • The Last Broadcast by Matthew Griffiths
  • The Terror of the Darkness by Joseph Lidster
  • Visiting Hours by Eddie Robson
  • Before Midnight by Andy Russell

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