The Happiness Patrol:

10ep 1 – On both occasions that Silas P presents his card (first to Daphne S, then later to the Doctor), he gives it to his victims the wrong way around. They have to surreptitiously turn it over so that the side with his name on it is facing them, and then act surprised when he tells them to flip the card over to reveal the words "Happiness Patrol Undercover", as if they hadn't seen it before.

20ep 1 – Why do the Happiness Patrol kill Silas P, since they are obviously aware of who he is and what he does?

30ep 1 – While the Doctor is repairing the buggy, one of the Happiness Patrol runs on screen in the background, realises it isn't her cue, and runs back off-screen again.

40ep 2,3 – When the Doctor taps the sugar crystal stalagtites, they swing about a bit. Surely they would have broken off or disintegrated?

50ep 2 – When Earl Sigma leaves the Doctor and Trevor Sigma, Trevor turns as if hearing something before the harmonica music starts (then he says "Hey, that's nice" just as it begins).

60ep 2,3 – Why does the Doctor need to ask the forum doorman whether Ace is performing tonight, when he's standing right next to a big poster of her with "Tonight at the Forum" emblazoned right across the top?

70ep 3 – When Helen A places Fifi into the pipe entrance, the back wall of the set can be seen through the circular hole, rather giving away the fact that it doesn't actually lead into a pipe of any kind.

80ep 3 – The shots of the Kandy Man in the pipes show him without the metal moustache-like thing he wears across his face in the rest of the story.

90ep 3 – In his message from the shuttle, Gilbert M refers to the leader of Terra Alpha as "Ellen Hay".

100ep 3 – When Susan Q supposedly shoots Daisy K's gun from her hand, it's quite obviously just pulled away on a wire of some kind.

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