Remembrance of the Daleks:

10ep 1 – In the opening scene, several of the schoolkids are wearing post-1963 clothes.

20ep 1 – Look out for the soldier who snaps to attention a good five seconds after the rest of his troop.

30ep 1 – When the soldier in the junkyard is spectacularly exterminated, watch how the corrugated iron sheets move slightly before he hits them (obviously disturbed by the wire used to pull the stuntman back into them). The wire is also briefly visible in the close-up of the stuntman dropping to the ground.

40ep 1 – Listen out for the very obvious overdubbing on Sylvester McCoy counting the seconds to the Nitro-9 explosion.

50ep 1,2 – In several scenes, present-day vehicles can be seen driving past or parked nearby. In particular, several can be seen through the van windows as the Doctor and Ace are driving along in episode 1, and a modern red bus drives past in the background as the headmaster comes up behind Mike in the cemetery.

60ep 1 – Watch for when the Doctor switches seats with Ace in a van, supposedly during a 1-second blackout as they drive under a bridge. But look closely during the blackout and you can see the Doctor and Ace sitting perfectly still until the lights come on, when they bounce down leaving Ace to be surprised at the seat change (and the editing!)
[This blooper was "fixed" for the DVD release.]

70ep 1 – While in Gilmore's HQ, Rachel talks to Allison about the Dalek in the junkyard, using the word "Dalek" even though she hasn't heard it before.

80ep 1 – When the Doctor and Ace first meet the headmaster, watch for the camera that pops out at the top right of the screen.

90ep 2 – When the Doctor reclaims the baseball bat from the Hand of Omega, watch how it suddenly changes position between shots as he goes to leave — one moment it's in his left hand, the next it's in his right.

100ep 2,3 – Post-1963 buildings are visible in many of the exterior scenes, for example in the cemetery as the headmaster attacks Mike. The modern skyline is also obvious in the scene in part 3 where the Hand of Omega is being unloaded from Ratcliffe's truck, and again later in the chase scenes.

110ep 2 – When the headmaster attacks Mike in the cemetery, he follows him in through the gates, which are standing wide open. But look at the background when they're actually struggling — the gates are suddenly closed!

120ep 2 – The TV announcer announcing "Doc..." gives the time as a quarter past five. This happens in episode 2 between breakfast and lunch! Besides, if it was really November 23rd, it would be pitch dark outside by 5:15pm!

130ep 2 – Sylvester McCoy has a pronunciation problem when he tries to tell Gilmore to order "plastic explosives with integral detonators" — the second-last word comes out as "intregal"...

140ep 3 – You can see Sylvester McCoy's shadow on the wall of the school cellar steps as he waits for his cue to come down and join Rachel and Allison at the transmat.

150ep 3 – Just before the Doctor tells Ace about the Hand of Omega, watch as Sophie Aldred trips on some sort of cable on the floor.

160ep 3 – When the Black Dalek says "Advance!" as it leads the way out into Ratcliffe's yard, you can notice that its lights have been made to flash using an electronic effect added in post-production (since the actual lights failed to work during shooting).

170ep 3 – Why is Ratcliffe so clearly surprised to see the little girl when she reveals herself in the battle computer? Had he never thought to take a peek around the front of it before?

180ep 3,4 – While the Dalek shuttlecraft is landing, the view from outside shows that the window to the laboratory is wide open. However, from the inside, the window is closed until the blast rips it from the frame.
[Also, why weren't the windows already smashed from when the shuttlecraft created the marks the Doctor looked at in episode 1? Or did someone clean it all up and repair the windows without wondering how it happened?]

190ep 3,4 – When the Dalek shuttlecraft lands, you can see the wires lowering it down, along with the metal eyelets attaching the wires to the shuttle at each corner.

200ep 4 – When Ace is yelling at Mike for being a stinking dirty scumbag (the second time), she's supposed to be very angry. However, it's plainly clear that she's doing her best not to laugh. Near the end of the scene, she has a grin breaking through, and you can see her actually smirking as she runs off screen.

210ep 4 – When the Doctor, Rachel, Mike et al are on the search for Davros, Rachel enters the metal grille room and mysteriously appears barefoot. When she slides out of the pipe again, she is wearing shoes.

220ep 4 – When Mike brings the time controller back down the metal stairway past Ratcliffe's body, note the large hole in one of the window panes behind the body, which wasn't there when Ratcliffe was killed just a few minutes earlier.

230ep 4 – When the little girl kills Mike Smith, he falls back against the stairs, which then slide backwards in a most un-stair-like manner.

240ep 4 – Watch the Black Dalek just before the Doctor arrives and destroys him. As he turns to face the second of the approaching vans, the top of his dome slips sideways as if it's about to fall off.

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